Archive Photo : Aerial Photo

This aerial photograph shows the north and central areas of the town. Annesley Road is in the top-left of the the picture, and Portland Road is in the bottom-right.

Sandy Lane and Central Avenue form the "V" in bottom-left of the picture, at the point where they meet Watnall Road.

St Mary's Church and the market square can be seen in the centre of the photo.

The colliery in the top-right of the photo is served by the railway line, which continues in use as "The Robin Hood Line".

The other railway line (in the left of the picture) no longer exists; however, its path through Hucknall can still be seen on current satellite images.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The colliery top-right is Linby Colliery. The tiny size of the tip at that time can be seen. Part of it now covers the vanished GCR route to the left.

Linby GN cottages can be seen top right and the fields which are now occupied by Vaughan Estate. The road used to rise up going south from GN cottages and pass over the top of the GNR line before meeting the Midland crossing at Linby Gatehouse (Colliery Loaded Wagon Sidings) on the level. This GNR route is now completely gone, buried and covered in housing near Minster Close etc.

"Black pad" can be seen running from Linby Colliery to the end of Carlingford Road and this was used by Hucknall miners who worked at Linby.

Post-war temporary/prefab houses can be seen on the site of the former Hucknall Police Station just off Watnall Road.

The huge area which was demolished to make way for an ugly block of flats at the back of the Flying Bedstead pub can be seen clearly, as can the terraced streets which were destroyed to make way for the Hucknall Health Centre on Curtis St.

The junction of Sandy Lane, Central Ave and Watnall Rd. Can be seen centre left bottom with Hucknall Central Station just out of shot below. The original half-white GCR stationmaster's house can be seen adjacent to here. It suffered severe subsidence and was demolished/rebuilt.

The site of former Broomhill windmill should be somewhere just off Sandy Lane