Archive Photo : May Queen

Picture shows local girls dressed in fine robes and headdresses. It was traditional to have two "queens" - a new queen (most likely to be the girl on the left with the longer cape), and an outgoing queen (the girl in the centre, with the shorter cape). The "queens" were chosen from the local teenagers.

Attendants and retinue were likely to be younger children, and could include paige boys.

These events were often staged at spring and summer festivals, and were sometimes linked to Christian holidays of Easter or Whitsun.

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Anonymous said...

This is actually a Coliery Queen from Hucknall in 1963

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that the pub in the background is the Griffins Head, which is in Papplewick, although the actual "queen" could be one of Hucknall's Carnival Queens from the 1930's. The carnival was held for several years in the 1930's but ceased during the 1939/45 war years, and whilst attempts were made to re-start it, it never really got off the ground in the same way. An indication of how times/interests,etc. change.